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How fast are you? How fast can you become? How long have you worked on increasing your speed?

Face it; the majority of any martial arts performance, application or competition of any kind relies on the ‘King.’ In the martial arts that ‘king’ is speed. With greater speed comes greater forces; it’s simply a matter of biomechanics that cannot be argued with – it’s a physical law. And, it’s Not Just About Relaxation, Conditioning or Tire Pulling – It’s All About Strength – Russian Secrets Revealed!

Many of us think we’re strong and tough and that pulling tires hand-over-hand for an MMA match preparation, pull ups by the dozen, or doing conditioning exercises until the cows come home will make us the best and strongest we can be. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but if you’re a martial artist, whether in the UFC, MMA, or just trying to learn your art the best you can, you cannot get the best out of your body if these are the major exercises you are doing. And, forget that bodybuilding stuff!

Have you ever wondered why matches such as the UFC require so many hits in the head when the opponent is on the ground? They don’t need to if the right type of strength is used. Instead it would be a 1-2 punch before a knockout or submission. But, a really good punch, to create power, also needs speed inherent within it.

Dr. Tindall and Master Whelan will give you tips each week on increasing your speed. We will show you the best ways this can be accomplished and why it is crucial to your skill as a martial artist. To begin, you should order the book, “Speed-Strength Training for Martial Artists: Mind-Body Link 2nd Edition.” This will get you started on a good strength training program then, we’ll help you do the rest.

Send us your questions. We’ll also use those as the basis of our tips for you each week.

We’ll help you train for speed and that training will meet the exact energetic, psychological, metabolic, and nervous system requirement necessary for all martial artists in, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Dojo Training
  • Street Confrontations
  • Ultimate Fighting Championship Title Bouts
  • Mixed MMA Bouts
  • World Class Full-Contact Match

Become the martial-arts champion you have always wanted to be!

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